In force: 2019-03-14
16. Despite the preceding provisions, the following activities and interventions carried out by Hydro-Québec (hereinafter the “Société”) or by any other person for Hydro-Québec do not require the prior authorization of the Minister under this Regulation:(1) any activity or intervention required within the biodiversity reserve to complete a project for which express authorization had previously been given by the Government and the Minister, or only by the latter, in accordance with the requirements of the Environment Quality Act (chapter Q-2), if the activity or intervention is carried out in compliance with the authorizations issued; (2) any activity or intervention necessary for the preparation and presentation of a pre-project report for a project requiring an authorization under the Environment Quality Act;
(3) any activity or intervention relating to a project requiring the prior authorization of the Minister under the Environment Quality Act if the activity or intervention is in response to a request for a clarification or for additional information made by the Minister to the Société and it is carried out in accordance with the request.
The Société informs the Minister of the various activities or interventions referred to in this section it proposes to carry out before the work is begun in the reserve.
For the purposes of this section, the activities and interventions of the Société include but are not restricted to pre-project studies, analysis work or field research, work required to study and monitor the impact of power transmission and distribution line corridors and rights of way, geological or geophysical surveys and survey lines, and the opening and maintenance of roads required for the purpose of access, construction or traffic incidental to the work.
113-2019O.C. 113-2019, s. 16.